
Karma means Faith.

It is the act of fulfilling my Destiny.

The act of fulfilling my destiny requires faith.

Having faith in my destiny is truly fulfilling.

Karma is neither a ‘curse’, nor a ‘punishment’, nor an ‘evil’ that needs to be overcome.

Curses, judgements and evil thoughts all create a negative resistance to my Karma being fulfilled.

It is the curse of judgements and evil that I need to overcome in order to fufil my Karma.

When my chosen life-path, destiny, or karma is unmet during my life-time, my Soul may choose for my Self to revisit the same destiny or karma in a new or subsequent incarnation.

Karma is always the choice of an individual Soul and a positive action. There is never any judgement, conviction, or punishment involved in the choices of my Soul.

Karma is not a ‘generational curse’. These are limiting beliefs and fears that are passed down a family line and obstruct the fulfilment of my Karma.

Karma is not inherited. It is inherent and dormant within every individual until awakened.

Karma is the fate of the unawakened Self and the destiny of an awakened Soul.

Realising the destiny of my karma requires faith in my Soul.

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