Just Cause

Every Cause is Just.

Every Cause Just Is – a cause.

Every effect can be seen as good or bad.

A good effect is justifiable.

A bad effect cannot be justified.

A cause is just but the effect may not be seen to be.

One’s perspective determines whether an effect is good or bad, justified or not.

Every action causes an effect.

Whether the action is just depends on one’s perspective of the effect.

Man uses Justice and Judicial Law to decide whether an effect is good or bad.

All actions are judged to determine whether they are good or bad, legal or illegal, moral or immoral, legitimate or illegitimate.

We have come to experience life by taking actions and deciding whether they are good and whether we choose to just cause them to happen again or not.

With Just Cause, I have decided that my actions are justified and justify being repeated.

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