Judgment & Discernment

Judgment is deciding what is right or wrong, good or bad, for my Self.

Discernment is remembering my path in life.

I discern my path with discernment.

When disconnected from my inner guidance, I get lost, confused and frustrated in a dual reality world of relative good & bad, right & wrong, positive & negative, beliefs & judgments.

Discerning my path requires clarity, direction & presence.

In my confusion, lostness & frustration, I will have to judge what is best for my Self.

My Soul never judges what is best for my Self, because my Soul sees what is best and knows the perfect path for my Self.

My Soul only ever presents what is best for the development & growth of its Self.

Because my Soul knows the absolute truth, relative judgments are unnecessary.

My Soul knows no wrong, knows it can do no wrong, and only presents what is right for its Self with clarity, direction & discernment.


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