"Je ne Regrette Rien"

“I regret nothing” is an affirmation of the acceptance of my Life.

I regret my mistakes.

When I am totally accepting of Life, there are no mistakes.

With acceptance, there is no judgment.

Without judgment, there is no right or wrong.

Where there is no wrong, there is no mistake and no regret.

When I am accepting of Life, I receive whatever Life gives to me as a gift.

When I take what ever Life gives to me without complaint, condemnation or criticism, there is no ‘mis’-take.

My only regret in Life would be to not live Life to the full.

Living Life to the full means leading a fulfilled Life.

A fulfilled Life is filled full of my Vision, fulfills my Purpose and is filled full of opportunities that truly have value.

With a fulfilled Life “Je ne Regrette Rien”

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