Irrational or Emotional

A rational mind attaches me to the Earth.

An emotional mind connects me to my Source.

A rational mind rates positive experiences as good, better or best.

An irrational mind is believed to make negative choices that are bad, worse or worst.

An emotional mind feels what is good for my Self.

Negative feelings are caused by limiting beliefs not an irrational mind.

Negative limiting beliefs are sub-conscious and can therefore appear to be irrational.

It is not a belief that is irrational but the behaviour that is driven by that belief.

Negative emotions are the effect of negative beliefs, not irrational emotions.

When all emotions become rational, irrational behaviour no longer occurs.

Irrational behaviour is purely a judgment of the observer based on their belief system.

Irrational behaviour is driven by a belief not an emotion.

It causes an irrational reaction instead of a rational response.

Emotional is a female positive energy state.

Irrational is a female negative energy state .

All emotion is rational when it is comprehended.

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