Interest & Appreciation

I am interested in whatever meets my needs emotionally.

Whatever fails to motivate me emotionally, I am not really interested in.

My interest grows as I become more and more emotionally fulfilled and enjoy what I am doing.

My interest wanes as I become more and more emotionally drained and disillusioned with whatever is occurring.

I take no interest in whatever bores me and depletes my emotional energy.

Only whatever raises my emotional energy is of Interest to me.

I Appreciate whatever has True Value in my Life.

Whatever has true value in my life allows my appreciation and my growth.

As my personal growth appreciates, I appreciate the growth of my personal Self.

When I am not growing and appreciating, I have no interest in life, because I need appreciation and I do not appear to have it.

When I need appreciation, I lose interest in what I am doing because I think that I am not appreciated.

I look for appreciation from others because my appreciation of my Self is missing.

My Appreciation is of mutual Interest to my Self and to my Soul.

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