
Intensity is the vibration of my emotional energy that is determined by its gender and polarity.

When the gender of my energy is too pronounced and the polarity too extreme and out of balance, my energy becomes too intense.

My energy can become too intense because its polarity is either too positive or too negative.

It can become too intense because its gender is either too assertive or too submissive.

The frequency of my energy can become  intense when it is either too high or too low.

The wavelength of my energy can become intense when it is either too long (too cold) or too short (too hot).

When the vibration of my energy is too wide, too narrow; too high, too low; too long, too short; too hot or too cold; it becomes too intense.

An intense energy vibration creates “tension”.

A free-flowing, expansive intention requires my energy to be in balance, not in tension.

I choose to be “Intent” not in tension.

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