Intellect & Intuition

Intellect is the ability to compute rational intelligence well. Computing intelligence is rating information, called rational or intellectual intelligence. Intelligence is defined as both the information and the intellectual reasoning that is rating it. Good intellectual reasoning is intelligence and a good source of information is intelligence. Using intelligence badly or wrongly is not intellectually reasonable and deemed to be unintelligent. Few people have a clear distinction between their intellect and their intelligence. Intellect is usually reserved for extremely intelligent people. Even fewer people have a clear distinction between intellect & intuition.

Rational Intelligence sees intuition as a best guess. It also sees its best guess as counter-intuitive, when it is proved to be wrong. In the absence of a clear distinction between intellect & intuition, intellect is a best assumption, whereas intuition is a best guess. The fact is, when a choice is certain, neither a guess nor an assumption are necessary. The best that the intellect can ever achieve is a best assumption based on the evidence available. In the absence of available evidence, a best guess will have to do. This is because the reasoning of the intellect is limited to the quantity, and by the quality, of the intelligence or the information available. For this reason, science is only a theory that is evidentially proved right, until it is consequently or subsequently proved wrong. To be proved right, it is required to be intellectually reasonable, until future intelligence proves it to be intellectually unreasonable. All of Science is a theory based on a good guess, which is evidentially believed to be true.

Intuition is the ability to compute emotional intelligence well. Emotional intelligence allows certainty of choice, whereas rational intelligence determines an uncertain assumption with a good guess.

The Intellect is limited in intelligence to the five physical senses. Anything beyond the physical senses is deemed to be metaphysical or spiritual, which is assumed to be religious nonsense.

Emotional intelligence uses the three intuitive senses, which are always certain. When I intuitively know what is right, it certainly is. When I intuitively feel what is good, it certainly is. When I intuitively see what is beneficial, it certainly is.

Intuition is an absolutely certain choice, whereas intellect is a relatively certain or uncertain assumption or guess. From an intellectual perspective, a certain guess is either intuitive or an oxymoron. From an emotionally intelligent perception, intuition is always certain and never a guess.

Intellect may be assumed to be the best choice, yet intuition is the only certain choice. The best choice is evident when the intellect has intuitive certainty.

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