Instructors, Personal Trainers, & Coaches

An Instructor teaches me how to carry out a task and teaches me the instructions for using objects and equipment.

A Personal Trainer teaches me how to achieve my personal objectives.

The difference between an instructor and a personal trainer is that the personal trainer connects me to the emotional energy required to motivate me to meet my objectives, as well as instructing me how to meet those objectives.

An instructor gives me the ability to complete my chosen task, whereas a personal trainer gives me the power and motivation to complete my chosen goals.

A personal trainer motivates me by allowing me to meet my emotional needs whilst achieving my desired objectives.

A Coach empowers me to fulfil the potential of my own ability and guides and supports me to fulfil my objectives in the most beneficial and acceptable way.

Once I have been taught the ability to fulfil my objectives, my Coach enables me to aspire to the excellence of my innate ability by connecting to me to the true power and authority that inspires and empowers me.

An Instructor works with my ability to achieve.

A Personal Trainer works with my emotional power to achieve.

A Coach works with my authority to achieve.

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