Inspired & Empowered

When my ego Self is aligned with the influence of my Soul, it becomes Empowered & Inspired.

When I allow the emotional power of my Soul to influence my Self, I am inspired and empowered.

I am only inspired by other people’s power, not their authority or choice.

I am only inspired by other people, not empowered by them.

I am only empowered by my Soul, not other people.

I am inspired by the influence of my Soul’s Authority.

When I am inspired by my Soul’s Authority, I am empowered by my Soul’s Power.

I am empowered with the Love of my Soul’s Power.

I am inspired by the Light of my Soul’s Authority.

My Soul is always Inspired & Empowered.

My Soul unconditionally Empowers me with Inspiration and Authorises me with Love.

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