
Insignificant thoughts, words & deeds often have inner significance.

Insignificant messages can have inner significance.

Inner signs can appear to be insignificant.

What appears to be insignificant to my conscious mind may have super-conscious significance.

Insignificant little phrases form the foundation of my belief system.

Apparently insignificant beliefs may be very significant when I am programmed to sub-consciously believe them.

Insignificant little phrases are an inner sign to challenge and change them for the opportunity of a more beneficial belief.

Limiting beliefs are not insignificant, neither are they beneficial.

They have a significant affect on my behaviour and what I am attracting into my reality.

All beliefs have significant emotional power to disallow or allow my ideal reality to manifest significantly.

My Soul is always significant and always showing me the way.

The inner significance of my Soul is never insignificant.

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