Inner Peace

Inner Peace is a state of being mentally & emotionally balanced.

Balancing the yin & yang of my energy vibration is the pathway to inner peace.

Inner peace is the gateway to a peaceful experience of physical life.

My inner vibration directly affects my outer reality.

Physical experiences come into balance as I attain my own inner peace.

With inner peace, male & female genders of emotion are peacefully united.

The final battle between good & evil is declared to be over.

Frequencies of thought energy become neutralised as they are no longer divided by polarity.

Wavelengths of emotional feeling become harmonised as their gender is no longer in opposition.

With inner peace, the vibration of my consciousness has a congruent frequency & wavelength.

My Self is at peace with its Self.

I attain the inner peace that is the natural state of my Soul.

I express the Inner Beingness of my Soul at Peace.

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