Inner Conflict

Inner Conflict is believed to be a battle between the head & the heart.

But my intuitive knowing is never in conflict with my emotional feelings.

My emotional feelings are created by my mental beliefs, they do not oppose each other.

My mind is never in conflict with my Soul.

My Soul never opposes whatever my Self chooses.

My Soul is never in conflict.

My Self is only ever in conflict with itself.

Any outer conflict that I experience is a reflection of the inner conflict that I am experiencing.

The only things that are ever in conflict are the opposing polarities of my thoughts and the opposing genders of my emotions.

It is a relative dual reality world that allows frequencies of thought to be divided by polarity and wavelengths of emotion to be divided by gender.

Without division there can be no opposition and no conflict.

The wavelength of my emotion always aligns with the frequency of my thought.

It is the gender and polarity of my energy that creates the inner conflict of opposing energy vibrations.

Without opposing energy vibrations there is no conflict, but without divided energy vibrations there is no choice either.

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