Inner Balance

My Inner World contains the beliefs and the emotions that create my Outer World.

Harmony in my outer world depends on balance in my inner world.

My beliefs and emotions reside in the realm of my sub-conscious self or id.

My inner world is either in alignment or mis-alignment with my Super-conscious soul.

It is in balance when it is in alignment and when out of alignment it becomes unbalanced.

My conscious ego self will never find harmony with an unbalanced sub-conscious id.

My conscious ego Self attains Inner Balance when my sub-conscious id comes into alignment with my super-conscious entity.

When my sub-conscious & super-conscious, higher & lower selves, become united in alignment and agreement, I am able to express the True Id-Entity of my Conscious Ego Self.

Inner balance is attained when the gender of my emotions harmonises as one united wavelength and the polarity of my beliefs synchronises as one congruent frequency and creates a balanced intensity of physical life that has one pure vibration of energy, and is attractive to all aspects of life.

My inner balance allows my outer harmony to be created by my inner peace.

With inner balance, outer balance is assured.

When no aspect of my inner being is in conflict then no conflict can be expressed or experienced in the outside world.

It is the Law.

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