Ingenuous Ingenuity

Ingenuous Ingenuity is a perception of my perspective. It is the unity of the empathy of my ingenious, inventive, intellect with the compassion of my ingenuous, innovative, intuition. It is the conscious-awareness of my imaginative, ponential, potential.

  • Potential is my power, ready to be released. The release of my potential power is potent
  • Ponential is my authority, ready to be realised. Exclusively aligned, my ponential is truly authentic

My ponential is omniscient and my potential is omnipotent when both are omnipresent.

  • Ingenuity is the inventive genius of my frankness & candour. It is my force of creative authority, with a straightforward truthful attitude, which allows my evident freedom to manifest with sincerity
  • Ingenuousness is the modest, innocent, naivety of a gentle, kindly, equanimous heart, at the central core of my source of creative power

With sincere equanimity, I equalise the equality of my generous wealth of ingenuousness with the ingenious wisdom of my ingenuity. Together they allow the generation of generally healthy genes.

“ The Armageddon of Equanimity heals the Apocalypse of a divided Heart & Mind”.

In modern mythology, Armageddon is the final battle between good & evil. This occurs with the forgiveness of our own trespasses, with the forgiveness of those who trespass against us. When I respect everyone else’s boundaries, I can do no evil. When I adhere to my own ideal standards, I can do no wrong. I am released from temptation and delivered from evil, when I am cleansed with the purity of the Golden Rule. When I relate to others as I choose for others to relate to me, the final battle is over and a new beginning is apparently present for my Self.

In the Realm of the Metaphysical, the apocalypse of an ‘end times’ is always a ‘new beginning’. It is not necessary to ‘die a thousand deaths’, in a continuous battle between good & evil, before a new beginning can be realised. I am required to ‘release’ a New Testament to my truth before the Old Testament of my Life can be ‘delivered’, ‘cleansed’ & ‘purified’.

With the equanimity of my ingenuous intuitive power, I enable the ingenuity of my gentle, modest, intellect to kindle the spirit at the heart of my evolving Soul.

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