Influenza or Influencer

Influenza is the influence of a bad spirit.

Bad spirits are the creation of a false perspective and an illusion of evil.

Influenza is blamed on a virus that we fall victim to.

Viruses are neither good nor evil. They are Nature’s waste disposal system.

Everything that is not Divine and Pure, eventually decays and returns to dust or ash.

Bacteria and viruses turn inert matter back to dust, in the same way that fire turns inert matter back to ashes.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, is the way of life and death.

Every day I have a choice between ‘living’ life well or experiencing a slow lingering ‘death’.

Influenza is a part of Nature and is natural.

The symptoms of flu are those of a physical body that is mis-aligned with its Spirit.

When my physical body is out of alignment with my spiritual body, I ache from the lack of connection to my power and I feel the resistance of life caused by my misalignment with my true authority.

Without my power and my authority to live life happily and well, I feel miserable, unwell, sick, ill and under the influence of a very bad or low spirit. 

Flu is Nature’s way of getting me to stop and re-think my life.

It is my natural way of cleansing out my bad perspective of life caused by my limiting beliefs and my fears.

It is my bad perspective of life that is the major influence on my life, including my belief that I can be a victim of a multitude of microbes.

There is only One Influencer that can align me with my True Path in Life – my Soul.

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