
Influence is a signpost on my personal path of development.

I am influenced by whatever I believe will enhance my attainment of my objectives.

In-fluence means in the flow.

A beneficial influence effortlessly places me in the flow.

A detrimental influence is one that I believe will cause entropy & resistance.

Influence is never detrimental to my journey.

I am only influenced by what I feel is an opportunity for my Self.

A bad influence is just my personal judgment of someone else’s advice.

There is no such thing as a bad influence.

I am either in the flow or I am not.

It is my choice of perspective that allows others to influence my choice or not.

There is no such thing as a bad signpost, just a wrong or misinformed direction based on the belief of the person reading the sign-post.

When I am in the flow, no influence is needed.

It is when I am disconnected from the flow that influence is required.

Influence requires both my authenticity & my credibility to be acceptable.

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