Inertia & Entropy

Inertia is the resistance of an object to a change in its state of motion.

As I move through life, change is inevitable and any resistance to change will create inertia.

Unawakened Souls seek the comfort and security of their comfort zone in order to escape change.

The more I run away from expansion and growth, the more inertia I experience.

Inertia renders me inert, incapable, inanimate, sluggish and lethargic.

Inertia renders my comfort zone uncomfortable.

Entropy is the tendency for an energetic system to descend into chaos.

Chaos is the state of having too many problems and heading for a disaster in life.

When life is not flowing effortlessly, because we are not hearing our messages, not taking our opportunities and not learning our lessons, it has a tendency to become entropic.

The opposite of entropy is effortless flow.

The opposite of inertia is expansiveness.

Inertia is my resistance to physical change and entropy is my resistance to spiritual change. Either will impede my life of expansive flow and abundance.

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