Individual Souls

When I see my soul as an Individual Aspect of God, I disconnect and separate my Soul from God.

My Soul knows that it is at One with God.

My Soul is at One with Everything.

It knows that there is only One Version of Everything, One Universe.

Separating one’s Soul from God is the perspective of a mind that is itself separate and disconnected from God.

God is Divinity.

Divinity is the State of being Divine.

Being Divine allows the state of being omnipotently all-powerful, having omniscient and all-knowing wisdom and authority to choose, whilst being omnipresent in one’s ability to create each moment of reality.

My Soul has the power, the authority and the ability to be Divine.

My Soul is God, and so is everyone else’s.

There is only One God.

There are no Individual Souls in absolute reality.

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