
Inconsiderate is the term that I give to another whom I believe has not considered my situation and acted accordingly.

I believe that their inconsideration is due to their lack of consideration.

Consideration and inconsideration are a personal perspective and a duality.

It is not possible to consider life from the perspective of another.

I may see another’s perspective or point of view when they explain it to me, but it is impossible to go through life considering what reality another chooses for themself.

All that I can consider doing is to presume that all others share my reality, which they do not.

Consideration for others is totally flawed and will often be seen as its duality of Inconsideration.

The paradox is that the more considerate I become of others, the more inconsiderate they will judge me to be.

In consideration of this reality, I choose to be neither considerate nor inconsiderate.

I choose to be faithful to whatever I consider to be my Path.

Being inconsiderate is seen by others as being selfish.

Being considerate is believed by others to be unselfish.

I choose to be Truly Selfish and become my True Self – my Soul.


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