
Incommensurability is the quality of Uniqueness.

Uniqueness is incomparable and immeasurable. I cannot compare my uniqueness with yours, therefore I cannot measure it relative to your uniqueness.

Uniqueness is a special quality, which makes it unique. I cannot be more or less unique than you but I can be more or less different. Being different doesn’t make me unique, as there are many different people compared to myself and many similar people like myself. I can compare and measure my similarities and my differences but not my uniqueness.

Incommensurability has the ability to commence from within. The source of uniqueness exclusively originates from within each and every unique Individual.

I can only know my own Incommensurability intuitively. I can only know intuitively how individually unique I am because I cannot empirically measure it or physically compare it.

Incommensurability is a quality of the Soul. Each Individual Self has a unique quality, which is incommensurable with any other person. Each Individual Being has a chosen vision, mission & purpose for their lifetime. Although each individual Self may choose a similar or a different path in life, we each have our own uniquely chosen Soul Path.

Every Individual’s life path is unique & incommensurable with every other uniquely experiential personal path through life. It is my personal vision for my life, and the choices that I make in alignment with my path, that is singularly unique to my Self.

Every Soul has the unique quality of Incommensurability.

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