
Absolute Reality is incommensurable with any relative duality. I cannot compare my individual experience of a choice of dual reality existence, with the absence of existence.

Absolute reality does not exist until I become the experiencer of it. To experience my absolute version of my ideal reality, I am first required to create it. I am only able to experience the creative potential of my reality, once my creative potential becomes fulfilled.

Incommensurability does not exist in a dual reality world, where everything is relative to something. Whatever is relative to something else is measurable, comparable and therefore has commensurability. Whatever I like is commensurate with whatever I dislike and whatever I love is commensurate with whatever I hate, loathe or detest.

Whatever I love or hate, like or dislike, is incommensurable with my version of an absolutely ideal & divine reality. It has no measurable comparison with my one version of a beneficial experience of life. The only thing that I can compare my ideal reality with, is a beneficial experience of life that I am creating for my Self. There is no duality, contrast or opposition between a beneficial experience and my ideal life. My ideal life is one beneficial experience after another, which is absolutely divine.

We each have the potential ability to create our own unique version of our ideal life of choice. This potential is present in all of us and presented to us with the power of pure emotional love; which accompanies in our life, the authority of pure mental light. My realisation of my potential is through my own empowered inspiration.

The relative duality of love & light allows shades of darkness with moods of emotion. Through the exploration & discovery of pure enlightened thoughts, empowered with pure feelings of love, I realise the pure experience of my ideal life.

My ideal experience of life is a triune reality, which is commensurately measurable & comparable with a dual reality experience of life. This allows a relatively detrimental experience of life to become absolutely beneficial.

I can only measure the ideal balance between every dramatic experience of duality by comparing the two extremes. My ideal triune reality of a third way out of the duality of dramatic experience is always the balance and neutral point between the gender & polarity of my energy vibration. Every physical experience of life allows the expression of an energy vibration that can be good, bad or ideal.

The path of personal spiritual development is from singularity, through duality, to a triality of ideal experiences. It proceeds from:

  • Absolutely incommensurable, immeasurable & incomparable, to
  • Relatively commensurable, measurable & comparable, to
  • Divinely incommensurable, immeasurable & incomparable

There is no comparison between my ideal life and anyone else’s relatively commensurable existence. I cannot compare my life of thriving with someone who believes that they have to strive to survive.

I can only attain the benefits of my ideal life by following my own individual, exclusive & unique path of Incommensurability. The only thing that my ideal life can have in common with anyone else is it’s Incommensurability. When I am following the Incommensurability of my own path, my ideal experiences in life are immeasurably beyond comparison.

Incommensurability ensures that my life is genuinely unique, which is ideal for me.

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