In Two Minds

I have two minds.

My mental mind processes rational conscious thinking with my brain.

My emotional mind processes emotional conscious feeling with my solar plexus.

I am in two minds when my thoughts are in conflict with my emotions.

Inner conflict is the battle that rages between my two minds.

I am confused when my conflict and lack of peace appears to be between my head and my heart, or my heart and my mind.

My Soul is at the Heart of my Mind. It is never in conflict with my Self.

My conscious mind is centred within my brain and my sub-conscious mind is centred in my solar plexus.

When my two minds connect and resonate in harmony, I become of One Mind and I connect to my Super-conscious Mind, my Soul.

My Soul is at my core, the centre of my being, and is the balance of my two minds. It is at the Heart of my Beingness.

All the time that I am in two minds, I cannot be open to my Heart, I cannot open my Heart to my Soul.

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