In My Ideal World

In My Ideal World:

  • Everyday is a holiday
  • I have no problems
  • Everything that occurs is an opportunity
  • Life is effortless, never hard or boring
  • All my emotional needs are met
  • All my limiting beliefs have been challenged and changed
  • I never get drawn into other people’s dramas
  • I am not attached to people or possessions
  • Other people’s reality is their creation not mine
  • Nothing is irrational – if it’s not rational it is Spiritual
  • I have no principles, ethics, values, standards, morals, laws or rules that define my reality
  • I am not limited by my boundaries because I am boundless and toleration free
  • Relationships allow me to share what I already have
  • I have everything that I want and need in abundance
  • I am in a constant state of gratitude and appreciation
  • I am the prime creator of my own reality and my Ideal World

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