In Here & Out There

In & Out are a duality, as are Here & There. They are both a duality of space-time-reality. They denote a place in space and a direction in space. When I am either here or there, in or out, I am experiencing a contrasting perspective of the reality of space-time.

I can mentally travel out to my future or in to my past.

I can physically be here in the present or mentally there in the past or future.

I can be in here or out there in physical space or in there & out there in the past or future of my mind.

Overcoming any duality requires a third choice of perspective, a third way of perceiving reality.

The third way between the duality of past & future is to be present in the present moment of reality.

The third way between in & out is here. When in & out are both there, the present is here. When I am presently here, I am neither in there nor out there.

In there is called the microcosm and out there is called the macrocosm, from my perspective right here. From out there, I appear to be in the microcosm and from in there, I appear to be in the microcosm.

Space-time is a reality that is always relative to personal perspective. My conscious perspective is always present & here. I can project the imagination of my sub-conscious perspective, either out there or in there.

My super-conscious perspective is beyond space-time-reality. It is neither out there nor in there, but it is always presently here. My super-conscious Soul, from its absolute perspective is always present here in space, present now in time and offering a divine present to its Self as a reality.

The Soul always presents its Self to itself as an expression of its True Self. When the ego Self is searching for itself in there or out there, it will never find its True Self.

The True Self is always Here, Now and in absolute reality is Nowhere in space or time.

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