In Absolute Reality There Is No Hierarchy

Hierarchy is a relative perspective of Physical Man. It is Man’s perspective of authority that allows a hierarchy to be apparently real.

My beliefs create the reality of my experience. The belief that influence is relative to status creates a hierarchy of authority. The belief that status implies power causes a determined attempt to ascend a hierarchy of authority.

Authority is believed to be relative to status and status is believed to be relative to one’s position in a hierarchy. Hierarchies are created in all walks of life by people who believe that they have more authority because they have more status than other people.

When money is believed to equate to influence & power over other people, the richest people are seen to sit at the top of the hierarchy. Historically, King’s & Queens automatically assumed or inherited full reign over every hierarchy. Status and position were bestowed by the monarch and thenceforth became a family birthright.

In any hierarchy, we are not all equal. This creates an elite group of greedy, superior, privileged leaders with a subservient class of common followers.

In absolute reality, we are all equal, which means that there is no hierarchy. Inequality is a relative term that does not exist in absolute reality.

In absolute reality our power is the essence of our emotional Beingness. We are all potentially omnipotent and all powerful.

In absolute reality, we all have choice and we all take responsibility for our own authority to choose. Our authority is our choice and we make a choice with absolute authority. Our authority is omniscient and all knowingly wise.

In absolute reality, nobody would ever choose to be superior or inferior to anyone else.

In equal equanimity, there can be no hierarchy of Souls.

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