Imposing & Agreeing

Imposing my authority onto another is always an imposition.

Agreeing to the same or a similar choice is always agreeable.

Agreement always has authority because both parties are authorising the same choice, with their own personal authority. When I am the author of my own choice, it has my personal authority. I cannot authorise another’s choice, without their agreement. With their agreement, I endorse their choice, not authorise it. By agreeing to my choice, you are endorsing my choice and authorising my choice for yourself. Recognising or acknowledging another’s authority over own’s own choice, authorises it as one’s own choice. Others cannot impose their authority on to me, without my agreement.

When an external authority is imposed by Law it is an imposition, which I find either agreeable or disagreeable. I either accept it or tolerate it. By agreeing to an imposition, I remain lawful. When I disagree with a lawful imposition, I can take my complaint to court for arbitration. When I am found guilty of not accepting the imposition, I will by default be imposed with a disagreeable penalty. I am penalised whether I accept an imposition or not. I am forced to tolerate the imposition of governmental laws, whether I agree with them or not.

When I vote for any particular form of Government, I agree to the impositions, as well as the perceived benefits, which they impose by law. Voting for the election of someone else to determine my standards, boundaries and beliefs is giving them the authority to impose their choice onto me. Whether their choice is agreeable or disagreeable to me, I am bound by law to the imposition of their external authority.

A Directive Style of Management imposes its Standard Operating Procedures for tasks, onto its employees, using its assertive management skills.

A Consultative Style of Management agrees Standards Of Performance with its Teams for its agreed objectives, using developmental coaching skills.

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