
Imagination is the creativity of my Soul in action.

The action or activation of my imagination requires:

  • Visualisation
  • Idealisation
  • Realisation

Visualisation is the power of my imagination.

Without the ability to visualise who I am being in my life, my imagination has no power.

Idealisation is the authority of my imagination.

Without the ability to know what is ideal in my life, my imagination has no authority.

Realisation is the ability of my imagination.

Without the ability to realise my reality, I have no use for my imagination, my imagination is useless, it has no ability and it is not real.

For the ability to realise my own reality to be enabled, my imagination requires the power of visualisation combined with the authority of idealisation.

Without imagination, life is just a manifestation of my ego’s manifesto, which is my fate.

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