
Imagination is the creative power of my Soul.

I connect to the creative ability of my Soul with my imagination.

Whatever I can imagine, my Soul has the power and authority to create (manifest) for my Self.

The focus of my imagination is the process of my Self choosing the choice of my Soul.

When using my imagination, I am seeing with the eyes of my Soul.

Imagination is Intuitive, Inspirational, Insightful, Inventive, Innovative, and is the Intention of my Soul for my Self.

Manifesting the choice of my soul for my self requires the gift of Imagination.

Imagination allows my Soul to present its gifts to its Self in every present moment of time.

Visualisation is the creative ability of my ego.

Imagination is the creative ability of my Soul.

My visualisation skills allow me to manifest the desires of my ego.

I require imagination to follow the path of my Soul.

With Imagination, ‘I’m a genie’.

2 Replies to “Imagination”

  1. I’m not clear on the practical distinction between visualisation and imagination – not being very skilled in either! If I do imagine something, I see it as a picture, so is that a visualisation? I guess if I was to sit down to deliberately create a future event, in the way of The Secret, then I would be visualising. So is it that imagination is a visual image that just seems to appear unannounced in my mind?

  2. Both imagination and visualisation are pictures in our conscious mind. The distinction between the two is by my definition where the pictures originate.
    I visualise pictures from my sub-conscious memory and I imagine pictures from my higher Self (super-conscious mind). Both are creative. Imagination is inspired and empowered by my Soul. Visualisation will require my will-power to manifest it.

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