Illogical & Irrational

Neither being Illogical nor being Irrational are being rational but they are not the same state of being.

They share the same negative polarity, but not the same gender.

Logic and rationale have the same positive polarity, yet have different genders.

Being rational is masculine logic, whereas my rationale is feminine intuition. Both are positive attributes.

Being illogical is negative male energy, whereas being irrational is negative female energy.

Irrational has an opposing female positive energy of being emotional.

Illogical has an opposing male positive energy of being rational.

Being unemotional is a negative male energy that is not the same as being illogical.

Being illogical has a negative polarity, whereas being unemotional has a negative gender.

When being rational, I know my energy.

When being emotional, I feel my energy.

When being logical, I see my energy.

When being irrational, I am disconnected mentally.

When being unemotional, I am disconnected emotionally.

When being illogical, I am disc0nnected physically.

When being illogical, irrational and unemotional, I am disconnected from all three aspects of my Beingness.

Intuitive Logic is balanced, harmonious and charge neutral.

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