Ignorance Is Bliss

‘Ignorance is Bliss’ is a limiting belief. It is supported by two similar limiting beliefs that: ‘What the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve for’ and ‘What I don’t know, can’t hurt me’.

The belief that ignorance is a positive attribute causes problems on many levels. The first problem is that ignorant people are unaware of what ignorance is. I am ignorant of my own ignorance.

When I ignore the teachings of other people, I am seen as ignorant because of my lack of knowledge. Any absence of intellectual reasoning is apparently due to my ignorance.

When I ignore other people’s negative moods and I am insensitive to their emotional needs, I am considered to be inconsiderate, ignorant & rude.

When I ignore my own intuition, I deny my own spirituality and see only what is physically evident in my life.

When I am being ignorant, I am denying who I really am in the belief that: If I cannot physically see it, it can’t harm me. I go through life being hurt by my limited mental beliefs and my needy emotional reactions, yet ignorant of the cause of my mental fears and my physical ailments. I believe that I cannot miss what I have never had, so I deny the existence of my good health, beneficial wealth and positive wisdom.

What I am really ignorant of, is my sense of intuition. Ignorance is the absence of my intuitive common senses. My natural & innate wisdom is my inner guidance & support. It ensures that I have no grievances and I come to no harm, so I remain healthy & wealthy when I am intuitively wise.

In my ignorance, I grieve for the abundant wealth and natural health that my wisdom affords me. I can never be content with my ignorance and feel any joy of fulfilment. When I associate my ignorance with bliss, I forsake my joy. In the absence of being content, fulfilled & joyful; my happiness is replaced with grief.

Whatever I know intuitively, is certainly beneficial and will never hurt me. What I do not see intuitively, is a missed opportunity for an enjoyably abundant life.

When I choose a life of ungrounded bliss, being ignorant of my physical purpose, I forsake the pure joy of my contented fulfilment and my fulfilled contentment.

Joy is the depth of my creative potential, grounded as my ideal chosen reality.

Bliss is the height of my ungrounded emotional intensity, which has no creative ability.

Bliss is ignorance, when it denies my physical ideal of joy and my true purpose for being alive.

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