Idle, Lazy, Slothful

Idle is a period of inactivity.

I am idle waiting for my next task.

I am idle when I am not moving, inactive or not doing.

Lazy is the state of applying no effort.

I am lazy when I am applying no effort to a required task.

I am only lazy when confronted with someone else’s need to achieve.

I am needing motivation to be busily employed in achieving someone else’s objective.

Slothful is the state of being disempowered.

Lazy is a lack of motivation, slothful is a lack of purpose that is disempowering.

Slothful is being off track because I am not following my own inspired path.

When inspired & empowered, I am never slothful.

Idle is waiting for direction, lazy is not applying will power and needing motivation, slothful is being disempowered because I am uninspired by someone else’s direction.

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