Ideal Standards Of Behaviour

Ideal Standards of Behaviour are Ideals.

Ideals are standards of behaviour that I choose to be ideal for my Self. An Ideal is a quality standard or behaviour for my Self. Personal standards of behaviour are ideal when they describe my true state of being, whilst I am doing what I am doing. Ideally it is not how I am doing something but who I am being whilst doing it. Who I am being in relationship to myself or another, determines my standard of behaviour.

Ideal standards of behaviour require quality attainments to be attributable to my Self. Attributing quality attainments to my Self allows my behaviour to be ideal.

Negative emotional attributes do not sponsor ideal standards of behaviour. Prime, natural & divine attainments are ideal attributes for personal behaviour.

  • Authorised, empowered & enabled are my divine standards for behaviour
  • Good, gentle & graceful are my prime standards for behaviour
  • Healthy, wealth & wise are my natural standards of behaviour

Happiness & wellbeing are ideal attainments that endorse quality standards of behaviour.

  • Sensitively detached is my ideal standard in relationships to all other people
  • Exclusively connected is how I ideally relate to my Soul
  • Emotionally rational is how I ideally relate to my Self

Empathy & Compassion allow my standard of behaviour to be seen and experienced as ideal by other people.

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