Ice Ages

It is currently believed that Ice Ages are caused by the elliptical path of the Earth around the Sun.

When the Earth is in a near circular orbit, we experience temperate climates and when the Earth’s orbit reaches its greatest ellipse, we experience Ice Ages.

When this hypothesis was presented in the middle of the 19th century it was believed to be nonsense.

In the absence of any other theory it has gradually become accepted by the scientific community who are currently gathering the evidence to support the theory.

Earth Crust Displacement, as a theory of how ice ages occur with the shifting of the poles, is  a new theory that is currently treated as nonsense by the modern scientific community.

A North & South Polar Axis that shifts position every 40,000 years answers many of the unanswered questions about our planet including the Atlantis Mystery, the Great Flood of Noah, the Pyramid Mystery and the instantaneous appearance of Agriculture.

Whereas a shifting of the Earth’s Crust may be too much for modern scientists to accept, I believe that until we understand what causes the Earth to spin on its axis, we will not understand why the Earth’s Magnetic Poles can shift quite effortlessly and instantaneously every 40,000 earth rotations of our Sun.

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