I Don’t Give A Damn

I Don’t Give A Damn!

A Damn is something of no value.

Why would I choose to give anything of no value?

I do not choose to receive a damn.

It has no value to me.

A damn is not a blessing, but a curse.

I do not damn another, nor do I curse another by giving them a damn.

When I don’t give a damn, I am unconcerned and I am not bothered.

When I am unconcerned, I am problem-free and fear-free.

When I am not bothered, I am accepting of life and I am toleration-free.

I allow all others to walk their own path without damnation or judgment.

I simply observe their fate and their victimhood as not being mine.

I approve their path as theirs with sensitive detachment.

I’ll be damned if I don’t!

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