I Apologise

I Apologise when I cross someone’s boundary unintentionally.

I conflict with another when my behaviour is unacceptable to them.

I apologise when I agree that my behaviour is unacceptable to them.

I apologise for them having to tolerate my behaviour.

I apologise for my indiscretion.

I apologise when I believe that I am in the wrong.

When I believe that I am right, I have no reason to apologise.

When I believe that I am not in conflict, I see no reason to apologise.

The inability to apologise is often the cause of conflict.

An apology is used to resolve conflict.

It is a statement of there being no intention to conflict.

I apologise for my behaviour when I do not intend the outcome of my actions.

My apology is a statement of my non intentionality.

I am sorry is a statement of my insensitivity.

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