“I am not a TV Set”

My reality is not created in my brain.

Television pictures are not created in my TV set.

My television set is a device for turning energy in the form of electrons into a picture that transmits light in the form of photons. It is a receiver, a recorder, a processor and a transmitter of energy waves called TV programmes.

My brain is a receiver, a recorder, a processor and a transmitter of energy waves called thoughts, beliefs and memories.

My brain processes and interprets what I see, hear, feel, taste and smell to be my ‘real’ world, but it did not create the reality just as my TV set did not create the programme that I am viewing on it.

I can replay images recorded in my memory, yet I am not creating them. I can edit different scenarios into different outcomes but I am not creating them.

My TV needs power (electricity) to perform its purpose and authority (aerial cable) and a choice of programmes and channels from which to select.

My Self needs power (life-force energy) called positive emotional energy to perform its purpose and authority, which comes either from my programmed beliefs or my faith in my vision for this life-time.

The question is: “What programmes or channels is my brain tuned into”?

I can visualise pictures stored in the memory of my brain or I can imagine visions communicated from my Soul. I can recall knowledge of past events from my memory or intuitively know new revelations of inspired wisdom from my Inner Coach.

My Reality is created by my ‘Original Thoughts’ not by my beliefs and my memories. An unchanging reality is just a repeat showing of a recurring memory or belief.

Original Thoughts that are Truly Creative are received from the Mind of my Soul that holds my Vision and is my Imagination and my Creative Ability; not from the memories that are recorded and stored in my brain.

My Soul is the Producer and the Director of the programmes that I am playing out in ‘Real Life’. 

I create my reality with my thoughts not my memories. My Thoughts originate in my Mind. My memories are stored in my brain.

There is much more to my Reality than just memories and repeated programmes.

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