“I am not a Remote Computer Terminal”

I can use my computer as a stand alone processor or I can connect it to a network.

I can use my brain as a stand alone processor of my physical reality or I can connect to my spiritual network – my Soul.

I can connect my brain to my Soul in the same way that I connect a remote terminal to a file server.

With access to the main processor, the file server, I can connect to the World Wide Web and the Internet.

With access to my Soul, my life server, I can connect to the united web of Universal Souls.

My Soul is the gateway to the Universal Mind & Pure Consciousness of All That Is.

A computer terminal that is disconnected from the main processor cannot access the internet. It has access only to its own limited data base and programming.

A disconnected Self has no connection to its Soul. It has access to only a limited selection of beliefs and memories and a limited purpose for Being.

My Soul is always connected to my Self, yet unless my Self validates the connection I remain just a stand alone processor of physical reality.

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