I Am Always Right

“Once, I thought that I was wrong, but I was mistaken”.

I am always right, I am never wrong, but I can be mistaken.

I am mistaken when I mis-take myself.

I mistake myself when I am out of alignment with my Soul and I take my Self on another path.

My Soul is always Right. My Soul knows no wrong.

In the Absolute Realm of my Soul, wrong does not exist.

In the relative world of my Self, wrong is a belief that I hold when I am out of alignment with what I want to occur.

When I am aligned with my sub-conscious self, I am misaligned with my Soul, I am misaligned with my Soul’s Path and I mistake my Self for my Soul.

When I re-take my Path and re-align with my Soul’s choice, I correct my mis-take and I become Right.

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