Human Power

Human Power is an emotional potential.

Emotions are potentially powerful.

Muscles have strength, emotions have power.

The purer the emotional state of being, the more potent the power.

Divinity is omnipotent, all powerful.

Being all powerful is my human potential.

Human power is inseparable from human authority.

My Soul is omniscient, all knowing.

My Soul is Divine.

When I am aligned with the super-conscious omniscient authority of my Soul, I access my human potential of omnipotent power.

Super-conscious pure thoughts are transmitted on a wavelength of pure emotion.

Pure emotion is the feeling of my Soul – pure Love.

Pure Love is powerful and divine.

Impure emotion is divided by the gender of my personality and the polarity of my character caused by the impurity of my thinking.

My polarised thinking is the effect of my sub-conscious programming that is the experience of a powerless existence.

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