Human Attainments

Human Attainments are the emotional attributes that I can consciously choose to be, at will.

Being human in a physical world is a conscious choice.

Being sub-human is a sub-conscious choice.

Being human is not a sub-conscious attainment.

It is a super-conscious choice.

It is my super-conscious entity that chooses my human reality.

My human reality is the realisation of my humanity through physical experience.

It is the physical experience of my spiritual reality.

The essence of my spirituality is pure Beingness.

The essence of my physicality is pure humanality.

In physical reality, I am pure humanality unless I sub-consciously choose to perceive a less than human, sub-human reality in my sub-conscious mind.

My choice of reality is what makes me human, or not.

The quality of my humanality is determined by my emotional attributes and my mental attainments.



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