High Security Protection

High Security Protection is required by people who live in fear.

People who live in fear need high security protection.

The greater the fear and the belief in the fear, the higher the degree of security and protection they will need to feel safe.

A fearful society builds high security prisons in which to detain people who they fear and they believe are a risk to society.

A fearful society builds high security fortresses for its own protection and safety.

A High Security Prison has high fences, CCTV surveillance, alarms, armed guards and limited access by invitation only.

Buckingham Palace and the Palace of Westminster, the residences of the British Monarch and the British Parliament, have high fences, CCTV surveillance, alarms, armed guards and limited access by invitation only.

A fearful society locks itself into its own prison in the same way that it locks those that it fears into a prison.

We are all the prisoners of our own fears.

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