Helping Others to Help Their Self

Helping others to help their Self is not encouraging them to be selfish.

It is helping them to be and attain the attributes of their Soul.

It is assisting them to become their True Self, which is who they really are.

I cannot help another to help their self and become their true self, until they ask themselves the question: “Who am I”?

Until I question my Self and ask for my True Identity to be revealed, I will believe that my personality and character is who I really am.

Until I ask who I really am, I will remain trapped in the duality of my conscious & sub-conscious, id & ego self; disconnected from the True identity of my super-conscious Real Self, my Soul.

I help others to help their Self by connecting them to their Inner Coach.

Their Inner Coach is their Soul, who holds their vision and the blueprint for their life.

The only help that anyone needs is the direction, clarity and presence to follow their own path in life.

That information resides within their Soul.

Helping others to help their Self requires my Self to be as my Soul is.

Reflecting who I really am, is all that is required to help others to help their Self.

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