Height & Depth

Height is a measure of one of the 3 dimensions of physical reality.

Height allows matter to be 3 dimensional, when combined with length & width.

Height & Depth are the same thing seen from a different perspective.

I see the height of a hill from the bottom of a valley, whereas I see the depth of the valley from the top of a hill.

Depth is a measure of the intensity of my emotion.

The deeper my feeling of emotion, the more aware I am of the intensity of life.

My emotions, like all energy, have 3 dimensions; that are force, magnitude & intensity.

The deeper my awareness of the intensity of my emotion, the greater is the force and magnitude of my awareness of consciousness.

The depth of a valley is a physical perspective.

The depth of my emotion is a perception of feeling.

The Height of my Awareness is relative to the Depth of my Consciousness.

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