Hearts & Minds

My Heart connects to the authority of my Soul.

My Mind is the will of my ego Self.

When my ego self is at One with my Soul, my heart and mind is united as one voice.

I cannot follow both the path of my Soul and the will of my ego because whenever there are two options, I am in the dilemma of a duality and therefore my ego is disconnected from my Soul.

When my ego Self has overcome all the dualities of relative physical existence, I will be at One with my Soul and all choices will have been made.

Without dual reality, there is no choice, there is no self to make a choice and there is no mind distinct from my heart that distinguishes my Self from my Soul.

Unless my Mind is seperate from my Heart at the Core of my Being, I have no ability to choose. There is no distinction and there is no contrast.

My Conscious Mind always has a choice to either follow the passions of my heart or the desires of my sub-conscious ego’s mind.

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