Heart & Soul

My Soul is the Heart of my Beingness.

My Heart is the Core of my Being that is my Soul.

In Absolute Reality there is no distinction between my Heart and my Soul.

In relative dual reality, heart & soul becomes synonimous with my True Power & Authority.

My Heart is the Source of my True Power.

My True Power is called Love.

My Soul is the Source of my True Authority.

My True Authority is called Light.

With Heart & Soul, I have the Ability of Life.

When I live my life with all my heart and soul, I have the ability to live life to the full and my life becomes fulfilled.

The Ability of Life is my ability to connect exclusively to my own power and authority.

The Source of my Ability is the Power of my Heart & the Authority of my Soul.

When I put my heart & soul into something, I am authorised and empowered to succeed.

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