Heart Disease

Heart Disease is a heart that is not at ease.

What is not at ease does not flow effortlessly and does not run smoothly.

My physical heart is a fuel pump that supplies oxygen to my physical ‘engine’, my muscles.

My spiritual heart supplies emotional fuel (energy) to my processor, my brain.

My breath is both the oxygen supply that fuels my strength and the emotional energy that fuels my spirit.

When I see life only from a physical perspective, I am conscious of the need for oxygen to my muscles for physical strength, yet unaware of the spiritual breath of life that I need to provide my emotional power.

Life is an emotional experience of a physical world.

My heart is the centre of my reality that combines and connects the physical, mental and emotional aspects of who I really am.

A disconnected heart will become dis-eased and eventually that dis-ease will manifest into the physical reality of Heart Disease in one form or another.

One Reply to “Heart Disease”

  1. Great work you are doing. It revitalize and making man living purposefully. Appriciation, Coach.

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