Having Enough Time

In Absolute Reality there is always enough time.

Time is eternal and therefore abundant.

An abundance of time is always enough.

Time never runs out.

It is a deadline that arrives too soon that creates the illusion.

When I lose my authority, I appear to run out of time.

When I run under my own authority, I never need a deadline and I never run out of time.

A deadline is a limitation on my time by my Self or someone else.

I only run out of time when I make a wrong choice for my Self.

When my time is limited by a false belief, I will not have enough and I will run out.

When a deadline is too distant, I will have too much time and I will waste time waiting.

When I need to do what I believe that I have to do, I will never have enough time.

There is an infinite abundance of ways of using my time creatively.

There is a finite  limited number of ways to waste time and to run out of time.

Having enough time becomes my reality when I know it to be so.

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