Harmony & Resonance

Harmony & Resonance determine the Vibration of my Life Force Energy.

Harmony is the wavelength of my energy vibration.

The wavelength of my vibration determines the quality of my emotional state of being.

Resonance is the frequency of my energy vibration.

The frequency of my vibration determines the quality of the conviction of my belief.

My vibration or Life Force Energy is most harmonious when the gender of its wavelength is balanced and united.

When the gender of the wavelength of my emotional energy is balanced and united, the male and female aspects of my personality are in harmony.

When the polarity of the frequency of my mental energy is balanced and neutral, the positive and negative aspects of my character are in resonance.

The vibration of my energy is most resonant and harmonious when its wavelength is no longer divided by gender and its frequency is no longer divided by polarity.

The harmony and resonance of my energy creates an experience of Life that ranges from serenely peaceful to extremely chaotic because the gender of my emotions and the polarity of my thoughts determines the intensity of my Life.

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