Harmonic Resonance

The Harmonic Resonance of my Emotional State of Being is determined by its polarity and its gender.

A divided gender and polarity of my energy allows my Harmonic Resonance to express my emotion in one of 4 ways:

My Irrational Reaction has a female gender and a negative polarity.

When I am attached and being inclusive with others, I react irrationally with sympathy in a virtuous way by being modest, kind, poor, warm, humble, patient and attentive, and being meek, generous, loving, pleasing, tolerant, unselfish and caring.

My Unemotional Reaction has a male gender and a negative polarity.

When I am being insensitive and disconnected with others, I react unemotionally with apathy in a sinful way by being proud, envious, gluttonous, lustful, greedy, wrathful and slothful, and by being arrogant, angry, assertive, jealous, extravagant and selfish.

My Emotional Response has a female gender and a positive polarity.

When I am being sensitive and connected with others, I respond emotionally with compassion in a blissful way with Humility, Goodness, Contentment, Joy, Equanimity, Fulfilment and Expansiveness.

My Rational Response has a male gender and a positive polarity.

When I am being exclusive and detached with others, I respond rationally with empathy in a divine way by being Accepting, Allowing, Approving, Acknowledging, Attesting , Affirming and Appreciating.

My Harmonic Resonance will attract people whose emotional energy has an opposing gender and will also attract people who have a similar polarity.

Harmonic Resonance allows the paradox of ‘like attracts like’ and ‘opposites attract’.

My True Harmonic Resonance has my male and female energy harmonising in unity and my positive and negative energy resonating in oneness.

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